Главная Курсы английского языка Английский язык. Уровень Upper-intermediate

Английский язык. Уровень Upper-intermediate

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Английский язык. Уровень Upper-intermediate.


Английский язык. Уровень Upper-intermediate








Наименование курса: Английский язык. Уровень Upper-intermediate.

Продолжительность курса:

  • Групповые занятия: 96 ак. ч.
  • Индивидуальные занятия: 36 ак. ч.


Стоимость курса

Стоимость курса:

Базовая цена Индивидуальное обучение Цена курса со скидкой 35% Цена за месяц (со скидкой) Стоимост ак.часа в группе
21415 руб.
18000 руб.
13920 руб.
3480 руб. 145 руб.


Программа курса

Мы проводим обучение по программе "Оксфордское качество". "Оксфордское качество" - инновационная образовательная программа, совместный проект Оксфордского университета, Московского института открытого образования и образовательной компании "Релод" при поддержке Правительства и Департамента образования города Москвы.

Учебная программа курса

1. There’s no place like home.
Grammar: The tense system: simple, continuous, perfect, active and passive. Auxiliary verbs do, be, have.
Vocabulary: Compound nouns lifestyle, house-warming, home town. Word formation ‘organize organi’zation.
Postscript: Dates. Numbers. Spelling.
Reading: Topic. “Home is where you make it” – a gap fill exercise about a man with an unusual home. “People who emigrate” – two families who move to another country (jigsaw).
Speaking: Exchanging information about families who have emigrated. Discussion – the pros and cons of living in another country.
Listening: A song – Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh.
Writing: Correcting language mistakes in two informal letters. Identifying mistakes in common.
2. Been there, done that!
Grammar: Present Perfect – simple and continuous. Continuous verb forms. You’re very kind. You’re being very kind.
Vocabulary: Guessing meaning. Synonyms. Hot Verbs (1) take and put, take my advice, put sb down.
Postscript: Exclamations. Wow! How amazing! Oh! What a surprise!
Reading: Topic. “Death by tourism” – how tourists are ruining the places they visit on holiday.
Speaking: Information gap and roleplay – the Virgo Group. Discussion. Tourism. Discussion – your earliest memories.
Listening: Topic. “World traveler and lavender farmer” – an interview with Natalie Hodgson.
Writing: Note-taking. Position of adverbials. Writing a biography.
3. What happened was this…
Grammar: Narrative tenses. Past Simple. Past Continuous. Past Perfect: active and passive.
Vocabulary: Adjectives that describe character reckless, unreliable. Suffixes responsible, responsibility. Prefixes irresponsible, self-conscious.
Postscript: Expressing interest and surprise – reply questions “James lives in a castle”. “Does he?”.
Reading: Topic. “Girl barred from top store” – an exercise on tenses about a girl who was barred from Harrods. An extract from The Mayor of Casterbridge, by Thomas Hardy.
Speaking: Talking about books. Questions about books.
Listening: Topic. “The news”. A dramatized version of the extract from The Mayor of Casterbridge. Three people talking about a book they’ve liked.
Writing: A review of a book or film.
4. It’s a deal!
Grammar: Expressing quantity – a little money, lots of ideas, few friends, not much experience, hardly any food, fewer people. Countable and uncountable nouns – money, dollars, time/times.
Vocabulary: Exports and imports – gold, sugar, spices. Words with variable stress ‘export, ex’port, re’fuse, ‘refuse, row.
Postscript: Social expressions. Hang on a sec. There’s no point.
Reading: Topic. “The businesswoman who went to Australia and made a fortune” (jigsaw). “Three thousand years of world trade” – an extract from an encyclopaedia.
Speaking: A class survey of shopping habits. A maze – You’ve decided to open a restaurant, but how will you go about it? A group decision-making exercise.
Listening: Topic. “An English couple who opened an English restaurant in France talk about their experiences”.
Writing: Note-talking. Research and report writing. Trade in your country.

5. Whatever will be, will be.
Grammar: Future forms – will do, shall do, going to do. Present Continuous. Present Simple – will be doing/will have done. Tense usage in clauses. When I’ve read the book, I’ll give it back to you.
Vocabulary: Word pairs neat and tidy, give and take, pros and cons. Hot Verbs (2) to be + adverb or preposition. What’s up with you? She’s into yoga.
Postscript: Telephone conversations – beginning a call, ending a call.
Reading: Topic. “This is your captain speaking” – an exercise on tenses. “I’ll marry you, but only if…” – an American couple’s prenuptial agreement leaves nothing to chance.
Speaking: Discussion – who make the best couples? Exchanging information about three people’s arrangements to meet.
Listening: Topic. “Vox pops – eight people talk about the future. The reunion – three old friends arrange to meet (jigsaw).
Writing: Formal and informal letters – recognizing formal style, writing an informal letter.
6. People, places, and things.
Grammar: Relative clauses. Politicians, who tell lies, … Participles - a girl wearing a red suit. Infinitives. I didn’t know where to go.
Vocabulary: edl-ing adjectives, depressed, depressing. Synonyms in context -writer, author, risky, dangerous.
Postscript: English signs. Do not exceed the stated dose. Diversion ahead.
Reading: Topic. “The man who could buy anything” – a gap fill exercise about Bill Gates. “I’ve never seen anything like it!” – a strange person, place, and a thing (jigsaw).
Speaking: Describing a picture. Exchanging information about the strange person, place, and thing. Group work – devising an advert.
Listening: Topic. “Seven radio advertisements”.
Writing: Describing your favorite part of town.
7. Doing without.
Grammar: Verb patterns – enjoy playing, good at cooking, plan to do, stop, try, remember. Reduced infinitives. I’d love to. You aren’t allowed to.
Vocabulary: Consumer durables – camcorder, mobile phone, microwave. Hot Verbs (3) – get. You’ve got to go. I got back late. Stop getting at me!
Postscript: Soundbites. Eat here or take away? Will passengers in rows A to K – please board now?
Reading: Topic. “Letters between Sean and his grandmother” – an exercise on verb patterns. “The family who turned back the clock” – a family who give up all domestic appliances for three days.
Speaking: Discussion – domestic life fifty years ago, things you couldn’t life without. Discussion – the pros and cons of television.
Listening: A song – Fast car, by Tracy Chapman.
Writing: Contrasting ideas - whereas. However – although. Writing about an invention you couldn’t life without.
8. Famous for fifteen minutes.
Grammar: Modal auxiliary verbs – probability. She might be at home. He could have left early; other uses – May I go now? Can you ski? You don’t have to come.
Vocabulary: Making sentences stronger – Adverbs and adjectives very clever, absolutely brilliant. Adverbs and verbs strongly agree, totally forget.
Postscript: Exaggeration and understatement. I’m starving. I’m a little puckish.
Reading: Topic. “Jane Austen, the hottest writer in Hollywood” – the famous English novelist who is enjoying a revival.
Speaking: Talking about the lives of famous people. Discussion – the lives of women past and present.
Listening: One side of a phone conversation. An interview with Tim Rice, who wrote the lyrics to Jesus Christ Superstar, and Paul Nicholas, who played Jesus.
Writing: Writing a fan letter.
9. Nothing but the truth.
Grammar: Questions. Who wants to speak to me? I wonder what he wants. Don’t you like tea? Negatives. I don’t think you’re right. I told her not to go.
Vocabulary: Groups – workaholics, agoraphobics. Making connections in texts – Antonyms happiness, misery, rich/plain food, rich/poor person.
Postscript: Being polite. I’m sorry to bother you, but… A present for me? How kind! You shouldn’t have.
Reading: Topic. “Mysteries of the universe” – puzzles that have plagued human beings for thousands of years.
Speaking: General knowledge quiz. Discussion – retelling a story from another point of view.
Listening: Topic. “Saying I won’t” – a radio programme about people who change their mind at the altar. A song – Waiting at the church.
Writing: Joining sentences. Conjunctions whenever, unless. Adverbs anyway, actually.
10. Things ain’t what they used to be!
Grammar: Expressing habit – present habit. I’m always losing my keys; - past habit. We’d play on the sand. Belget used to. I’m used to working hard.
Vocabulary: Money, money, money! tight-fisted, extravagant, fall on hard times. Hot Verbs (4) come and go. I’ll go to any lengths. The kinds come first.
Postscript: Time expressions – all day long, the other day, in time, on time.
Reading: Topic. “Living history” – the 100-year-old lady who lives in the past. “People and their money” – who’s rich and who’s poor these days? (jigsaw).
Speaking: Giving a short talk about your first friend or teacher. Attitudes to money. Homelessness.
Listening: Homelessness – interviews with people who live on the streets, and those who try to help them.
Writing: Writing about a period in history.
11. If only things were different!
Grammar: Hypothesizing – about the present. If only I had a new car!; about the past. I wish I hadn’t said that. You shouldn’t have done that.
Vocabulary: Idioms. I had time to kill. I was at a loose end. Bury your head in the sand.
Postscript: Moans and groans. How many times do I have to tell you? I could kick myself.
Reading: Topic. “Those life’s perfect anyway? – two people’s lives. “Things we never said” – a short story about a failed relationship, by Fiona Goble.
Speaking: Roleplay – two lovers tell each other the truth. Acting out a dramatic scene.
Listening: Topic. A radio play, based on the text. “Things we never said”. “Family secrets” – two people talk about a secret in their lives.
Writing: Writing a play with stage directions.
12. Icons.
Grammar: Noun phrases a boy licking an ice-cream. Articles and determiners. It’s a city in the north, each/every/either, both/all. Adding emphasis – word order, the passive. What annoys me…
Vocabulary: Homophones war or wore? Homonyms a dusty plain, plain food.
Postscript: Linking and commenting personally, obviously, ideally, basically.
Reading: Topic. “Michelangelo” –one of the world’s greatest artists. “It blows your mind!” – eye-witness accounts of the first atomic explosion.
Speaking: Discussion – famous photos of the twentieth century. Discussion – how the atomic bomb changed history.
Listening: Topic. Children’s jokes. Various people describe great events of the twentieth century.
Writing: Describing a career. Word order and focus of attention.



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Топ 5 курсов

Первое место популярный курс Курсы парикмахера

Второе место популярный курс Ногтевой сервис

Третье место популярный курс Курсы 1С

Четвертое место популярный курс Компьютерные курсы

Пятое место популярный курс Курсы массажа


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